From the blog of a momma who has been there, met her, and loved on her.
"I remember Nanette’s blue eyes widening when she saw me walk into her groupa room with Charlotte on our last visit to the baby house. She was accustomed to seeing the other children and the staff come and go, but I was a novelty. She scooted to the railing of her playpen and struggled mightily to pull herself up. She nestled easily into my shoulder and began to absent mindedly play with my necklace. For a few minutes, I stood and rocked both girls—Charlotte on my right hip and Nanette on my left. Noticing that she was getting drowsy, a caretaker came to take her to her bed. She waved a chubby hand at us from over the caretaker’s shoulder."
"Nanette and Kacey are facing imminent transfer. They will leave the only home and family that they have ever known. Where they are now, they are loved and appreciated for the beautiful little girls that they are. Where they are going will likely not be the same.
Their director has been their voice and their champion for the last four years. There is nothing more that she can do for them. She cannot save them from the natural passage of time."
Kelly's Blog post "The Call"
In reference to emails Kelly received from Nanette's orphanage director:
"Her faithful emails always start with an upbeat “hello Marusiya and Mama!” I can almost hear the cheer in her voice. All that’s missing is the warm, strong hug we’d be enveloped in if we were standing in the director’s office.
Her now familiar greeting was absent from her last email.
It simply started with an anguished, desperate plea.
Please help me find mamas and papas for them."