Meet "Nanette"

How to Donate

Nanette's online donation button is in the upper right hand of the side bar of this blog. You can click here to donate via credit card or PayPal! If you would like to mail a check, please do so to the following address: Reece's Rainbow; PO Box 4024; Gaithersburg, MD 20885. Write "Nanette-Angel Tree" in the memo line! All donations ARE tax deductible.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Interrupt this Blog Break with BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I apologize for my very slow blogging in the last week, but today is a day to rejoice and return to the blog!!!

First of all ===>HAVE YOU SEEN! Nanette met her goal! Thank you Patti at A Perfect Lily for your help in getting Nanette to her goal and past it. I was sort of stalled out, and my sweet friend helped me get Nanette to her goal. She was left until the very end last year, but not this year friends! She made her goal good and early! YAY NANETTE!

There is still work to be done because she NEEDS a family!!!!! Any money added to her account WILL help a family come forward for her, but more important than the money is that her family sees her and knows they see their daughter and commits to her. Remember, if you are visiting her wondering about Nanette, she was in an excellent Baby House. She was transferred recent; however, she is in a decent institution from what I have been told. However, NO institution can take the place of a family. A real, loving momma and daddy!

Next on that same note ***My Angel Tree kiddo from last year-Megan has a family!!!***
Megan has had one of the largest grans on Reece's Rainbow for a while now, but due to her region temporarily shutting down, it has been difficult for a family to step out in faith to adopt her. However, Megan's region is up and moving again, and things are expected to become more "normal" again with adopting in her region. With that news, a family has come forward for sweet Megan! I cannot wait to see who the lucky family is!!!

Back to Nanette: the giveaway ends in two days, so if you haven't gotten a chance to get in on it yet, go here to donate and then comment to enter!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just $220.50 gets Nanette to her goal! Go here or here to read about the giveaway happening now until December 15th! iPad mini and $50 Target gift card up for grabs all for a donation of $10, a share on Facebook, Twitter or your blog, and/or a blog share!

Meeting the goal would be fantastic. Exceeding the goal would be AMAZING! Finding Nanette's forever family would be absolutely the best Christmas gift of all times!!! Please help us do one or both of these things by sharing her photo, sharing the giveaway and/or donating if possible!

It matters to this one!!! It truly does.
PS. Dont forget to read the following blog post here. It puts into words exactly why it is so very important to advocate, find families, and help raise funds for these precious children to come home.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

iPad Mini Giveaway for Nanette!

GO CHECK OUT PATTI'S BLOG! My amazing, sweet friend has donated an iPad mini to help raise funds for Nanette! You now have the opportunity to win an iPad mini or a $50 Target gift card for your donation of $10. Click here for details iPad Mini Giveaway (and $50 Target card) for Nanette!!!

You can also gain entries by sharing on Facebook, Twitter, your blogs, and/or emailing friends and family!

This is not all about money folks. The goal is to find a family for Nanette. She needs a family so badly. I came across a blog entry yesterday of a mother who recently returned home from Nanette's country and adopting a 3 year old little girl with Down Syndrome. I want to say that it is by far one of the most telling and powerful posts about adoption I have ever read, and I have read a few (HUNDRED) blog posts about adoption. You can read that post here:

Adoption is not always about growing your family. For so many of these children, it is about giving them a life. Not just giving them a life, but giving them their life back. I know it is long, but please consider reading this post.

Angel Tree is not just about money. It is about finding Nanette her family. It is about exposure and helping people understand just why it is so important to help rescue these children.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Just $339.50 separates Nanette from her goal of $1,000.00 over the holiday season. It seems like so much, yet so did raising $250, and $500. I truly believe Nanette will meet her goal.

Please do not forget about the $50 Target giftcard giveaway over at A Perfect Lily! Not too many entries yet, so your chances of winning are pretty good. ANY amount donation gets you an entry to the giveaway.

Also, stay tuned. I am still working on a final "challenge" to reach the last goal. Due to recent surgery, it is questionable as to what I can and cannot do for my challenge, but I will post about it soon.

Friday, November 30, 2012


Hello all! It is my absolute privilege to have my sweet friend Patti, momma blogger over at A Perfect Lily holding a $50 Target Gift Card giveaway for Nanette on her blog! Just click on the link and scroll down to the bottom of her post. Any donation amount to Nanette gets you an entry for the Target gift card! Once you donate, just go comment at the bottom of that post. A winner will be drawn and announced here and at A Perfect Lily! If you have been waiting for a chance to win something, here is your chance! :-)  Nanette is worth it!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thinking About You

Dear Nanette,
Many of the mommas who have blogs write to the children they are adopting in letter form on their blogs. While I am sadly not able to be your momma, I want to write to you today. I want you to know that each and every day, many, many times a day, I think of you.

My heart hurts knowing that you are in a new place where you do not know anyone, and no one knows you. I know your baby house was a loving place that was as much like a home as any orphanage could be, and I worry about where you are now. I have heard it isn't a terrible place, but an institution is no place for a sweet little girl your age.  It just isn't.  I also know that you must have wondered as your friends mommas and daddies came and visited, where were your mom and dad? I know that you have been held and loved by families coming to get their children, and I wish that I knew a family would come for you. I wonder if when your baby house director prepared you to move to the institution, did you think that she was preparing you for a your mom and dad to come visit? I am glad for all of your friends, held over at the baby house, waiting for their committed parents to come, but then I struggle with why you were not chosen. How, after all of this time, did no one's heart explode with love when they saw your sweet face?  I know I would come and get you in an instant if I could, but God does not seem to have that in the cards for me.

Nanette, I will keep fighting to raise your grant so that you can come home. I will keep working to ensure that you are not forgotten and that your story is heard. I will keep posting your picture and keep advocating for you as long as you still wait.

I am planning a few more things to try and reach your AT goal. We are just a little under $400.00 away from the goal. It seems like so much, yet so did $250, so did $500.00. So I just know we will get there sweetie. When Angel Tree is over, I plan to keep donating and sharing to help your parents find you.

Love you!
Your AT Warrior

Monday, November 19, 2012

Next Stunt to Help Nanette!!!

I have another crazy fundraising idea in cue!
I have to discuss it with my doctor....LOL, and be sure he is okay with it him. I am having minor surgery tomorrow, and I am not 100% sure I can do it at the end of Angel Tree due to incision healing.  However, if he okay's it, then I am totally ready for the next "crazy" stunt for Nanette!
Pies to the face was nothing compared to the next one. I am already shivering thinking about it....literally. ;-) Stay tuned. I should be able to talk to the doctor in the next few days. :-)