Meet "Nanette"

How to Donate

Nanette's online donation button is in the upper right hand of the side bar of this blog. You can click here to donate via credit card or PayPal! If you would like to mail a check, please do so to the following address: Reece's Rainbow; PO Box 4024; Gaithersburg, MD 20885. Write "Nanette-Angel Tree" in the memo line! All donations ARE tax deductible.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Transferred :-(

TRANSFERRED :-( That was the news I received just a couple of days ago about sweet Nanette.  Moved from the only home she had ever known, her baby house, and a good one at that, to a mental institution. Poor angel must have been so scared and confused. Why did she have to leave, but her friends we allowed to stay. Why was her orphanage director sad? It was because she loves each child at her baby house, and she did everything she could to keep Nanette there. However, the time came when she could no longer do that without a committed family. TRANSFERRED. :-(

A family visiting their son in Nanette's groupa just a short time ago, prior to the transfer, said she was so sweet and precious.  They were not able to photograph her too much, but here is her most recent photo.

Nanette is there on the right. Isn't she a doll?

Here are a few more pictures of Nanette over the past years at her baby house.

Can you see just how much this little girl deserves to know a momma and daddy? She is such a little love, and sadly, she has been transferred. The only good news about her transfer was that as far as institutions go, she evidently was moved to a decent one. Unfortunately, as if her chances of being adopted in country or into the US weren't low enough at the baby house, moving to the institution reduces her chances even more. :-(

Please join me in raising $ for Nanette's adoption grant fund through Reece's Rainbow.  Between November 1 and December 31, I am going to try to raise $1,000.00 plus dollars for her grant.  As of today, October 31, she has $4,436.00 in her fund. That is a great start, but an adoption in her region typically costs around $35K. These costs include travel and meals, and transportation in country. It includes fees. Lots and lots of fees both in her country and in the US.  Families are often very capable of taking care of a child, even one with Down Syndrome, once they return home, but adoption costs can stand in the way of committing and moving forward.

It is very common for people to fund raise for their adoptions! Not just adoptions of children with special needs or international adoption, but even domestic adopting families often fund raise to help cover costs. Although we are not adopting Nanette, although I so wish we could/were, raising money for her grant will make it possible for someone else to adopt her! So if you are unfamiliar with the world of adoption, fundraising and grant funds may seem foreign to you, but it is really common. Many organizations offer grants and money toward adoptions.

So please, please, please PLEASE!!!! Help me raise funds for Nanette will ya?  Stay tuned for all of the crazy things I plan to do to try and get people to help me meet my goal of $1,000 for Nanette! The donation period starts tomorrow!!! I cant wait!

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