Meet "Nanette"

How to Donate

Nanette's online donation button is in the upper right hand of the side bar of this blog. You can click here to donate via credit card or PayPal! If you would like to mail a check, please do so to the following address: Reece's Rainbow; PO Box 4024; Gaithersburg, MD 20885. Write "Nanette-Angel Tree" in the memo line! All donations ARE tax deductible.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Want to See Me Get Not 1 But 2 Pies to the Face??

Okay, so you would think with just two months to raise $1,000.00+ for Nanette, I might have had planned something big to kick off the fundraiser. Well...I planned something to kick it off.

We are going to start with the opportunity to see a totally embarrassing video of each of my children giving me a cream pie to the face! That is right! In the first two weeks of fundraising, by November 14, if Nanette's account is at $250.00 (or whenever it reaches $250.00 before that), I will fill two metal tin pie pans with large amounts of whipped cream, hand them over to my children, hand the camera to Steve and allow the girls to both "pie" me in the face. Ha ha!

This has been a popular fundraiser amongst some of the adopting families. I couldn't really figure out why at first, but then I realized that everyone loves watching a good pie in the face video. So, not only will I let them do it, but I will video it and post it here on my blog and on Facebook for all the world to see ;-)

If that doesn't motivate you to donate to Nanette, you just keep coming back to visit the blog. I am going to keep coming up with wild and adventurous and embarrassing things to do on video and/or in public. Other ideas have been hair color, rainbow hair, dressing in "decade" attire for a day knowing I will be going out into public on that day....

These wild, embarrassing things are not all I have planned to help raise funds, but I thought it would be a fun way to kick things off. Hope to post my pie in the face video soon!!

On a more serious note, many people have said they do not believe that their donation makes a difference. Please know that ANY donation amount it absolutely, positively making a difference. One dollar or one-hundred dollars. Each and every single dollar matters. So please, even if all you can donate is a few dollars, if you feel led to donate it, do.  Each donation no matter how large or small is tax deductible, so you will receive the tax benefit from your donation.

To put the donation amount thing into perspective...
If 1000 people donated $1.00, goal would be met.
If 200 people donated $5.00, goal would be met.
If 100 people donated $10.00, goal would be met.
If just 50 people donated $20.00, Nanette's goal would be met.
If just 40 people donated $25.00, Nanette's goal would be met.
If just 29 people donated $35.00, Nanette's goal would be met (and each of those people would get her RR ornament. ;-)
You see what I am getting at? It does not take that much to reach this precious and very important goal for Nanette. And each and every single donation big or small is so important!!!  Please consider helping my sweet angel Nanette who was just transferred to the institution last weekend. She will find a family with a larger grant. I absolutely know it!

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